If You Know That Someone Is Going to Commit a Crime but Dont Tell

If you witness a crime, are yous obligated to report it to the police? What if you lot are aware that a crime is going to be committed, but you exercise nothing to foreclose it from occurring? Can you be criminally charged if you lot exercise nix at all?

crime for knowing about a crime and not saying anything
You could be charged with a crime for knowing nearly a crime and not saying anything.

Many people are unaware of their legal obligation when it comes to reporting criminal activity. Some don't want to get involved for fear of condign a victim themselves. There is always the possibility that you risk harm to yourself or a 3rd party if you divulge information virtually a criminal offence you suspect has already been committed, or know of before it happens.

Others may experience they have a moral obligation to respond as a Good Samaritan and expose criminals for their wrongdoing. Still, there is a big difference between a feeling of ethical responsibleness and a legal duty to act.

By and large speaking, virtually people are under no legal obligation to report a crime, whether they knew near it in advance, witnessed its commission, or found out about it after the fact. However, there are exceptions to this constabulary that you lot ought to know well-nigh.

Let'southward take a cursory look at some examples of when yous can be held liable for having knowledge of a crime…

Aiding and Abetting a Crime (Penal Code section 31)

In California, you tin can be charged with the crime that was committed if you aided or abetted in its commission, but did not actually commit the crime yourself. Penal Code section 31 describes the phrase "aiding and abetting" as meaning that y'all assisted another person to commit a crime. Prosecutors tin charge you as an aider and abettor whenever you:

  • Know the perpetrator's illegal plan,
  • Intentionally encourage and/or facilitate that programme, and
  • Aid, promote, or instigate in the law-breaking's committee.

You don't have to be actually present at the scene of the criminal offense to be charged under what is known as "accomplice liability." If you willfully participated in the planning of a crime prior to its committee, you tin be held criminally liable as an "accessory before the fact."

If you take a passive role during a offense in progress, such equally acting equally a lookout or disabling a security device, you tin be prosecuted as a perpetrator in the second degree (an accomplice).

Finally, if you assist to conceal a crime already committed (hiding stolen money or weapons used in the criminal offense's committee, for instance), or give assistance to perpetrators of offense to help them avert detection, arrest or prosecution, you tin can be charged as an "accessory later on the fact."

In these situations, you are culpable nether the accomplice liability theory considering you knew of the illegal programme and willfully did something to crusade it to be carried out or concealed.

California Mandatory Reporting Laws (California Penal Code sections 11164-11174.3)

Some people have a legal duty to report suspected or actual cases of child abuse or neglect nether California'southward Mandatory Reporting Laws (Penal Code sections 11164-11173.4) . A mandatory reporter does non take to actually witness a kid beingness abused or neglected. Rather, a "reasonable suspicion" from other sources that kid corruption or fail has occurred is enough to trigger this responsibility.

failing to report a crime
Failing to study a crime tin can have serious consequences.

Mandatory reporters are defined under Penal Lawmaking section 11165.7, and include over 40 different professionals, such as:

  • Teachers;
  • Schoolhouse administrators;
  • Administrators of youth centers and activities;
  • Medical intendance professionals (doctors, nurses, emergency medical technicians, etc.);
  • Law enforcement officers;
  • Social workers;
  • Clergy members, outside of a "penitential advice" (confession);
  • Firefighters;
  • Therapists; and
  • Computer technicians.

California police broadly covers instances of kid abuse and fail, including simply not express to:

  • Any sexual corruption of a minor, no matter how slight, whether over or nether the dress;
  • Sexual exploitation;
  • Kid endangerment ;
  • Concrete injury, such as:
    • Hitting;
    • Kick;
    • Throwing harmful objects or substances; and
    • Pulling pilus;
  • Exact abuse;
  • Failure to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical attention and education; and
  • Emotional corruption or neglect.

A mandatory reporter must file a complaint of suspected or actual kid abuse or neglect with an appropriate law enforcement or child support services agency within 36 hours of discovery. Failure to fulfill this legal duty to study, or impeding someone from doing so is a criminal offence in itself and may be charged as a misdemeanor.

If y'all are convicted of failure to fulfill a legal duty as a mandatory reporter, you lot can exist fined up to $1,000 and/or sentenced to serve up to six months in jail. If you willfully prevent someone from filing a mandatory report, you lot tin be punished by a maximum $five,000 fine, a one-year jail sentence, or both.

Failure to Report a Offense under Federal Law (eighteen U.s.a.C. section 4)

Federal law prohibits concealing information about specific crimes. Under 18 Us Code, Section four, you lot may be obligated to report a crime if you are directly asked during a criminal investigation whenever:

  • Y'all have noesis of the commission of a felony;
  • The felony actually occurred; and
  • The felony is a federal criminal offense;

If you willfully conceal the commission of a felony federal offense, yous can be charged with "misprision of a felony." Misprision of a felony is a form of obstruction of justice. If you are bedevilled, you lot face up to a $250,000 fine, imprisonment upward to three years, or both fine and imprisonment.

Tin can You lot Study a Crime Anonymously?

Privately-operated, anonymous price-free hotlines and website portals are available to "tipsters" where you may safely report a law-breaking without revealing your identity. Many law enforcement agencies allow you to anonymously study a law-breaking online as well. However, if yous call 911 emergency response, be advised that constabulary enforcement agencies may exist able to track your telephone number.

Additionally, California constabulary requires mandatory reports of kid abuse or neglect to remain confidential. A government agency receiving a report from a mandatory reporter may non divulge the source of a confidentially submitted study of suspected or actual child corruption or neglect to a reporter's employer without the reporter's prior consent.

Contact Wallin & Klarich Today if You lot are Arrested for Declining to Written report a Criminal offense

If you take been arrested for declining to provide information almost a criminal offense or becoming an accompaniment to a offense, you need to speak with one of our experienced criminal defense attorneys at Wallin & Klarich today. You could exist facing serious country or federal charges if yous had a mandatory duty to report unlawful activity or yous obstructed a criminal investigation.

criminal defense attorney
Call our criminal defense attorneys today and then we can begin to help you.

Our attorneys at Wallin & Klarich have over forty years of experience successfully defending our clients facing criminal charges as a result of failing to written report a crime. We can help you avoid fines and/or imprisonment by conducting a thorough investigation of the facts. If you lot had no legal obligation to human activity, we may be able to persuade the prosecutor to dismiss the charges against you.

With offices in Los Angeles, Sherman Oaks, Torrance, Tustin, San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura, W Covina and Victorville, Wallin & Klarich is conveniently located most you to make certain y'all receive the very all-time legal representation throughout your criminal proceedings. We will help you to receive the almost favorable outcome in your case.

Phone call us today at (877) 4-NO-JAIL or (877) 466-5245 for a complimentary telephone consultation. We will get through this together.


Source: https://www.wklaw.com/knowing-about-a-crime-and-not-saying-anything/

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